Sammy Miller Museum

05.04.2012 16:43
avatar  Ajay


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06.04.2012 20:09
avatar  MikeM.

One of the photos has Malcolm Arnold in it and another Chris Read , Jampot Editor. These photos were first on the English forum a couple of days ago. Also on youtube is a video taken early on in the morning (daybreak) on the third section of the Westward Ho! Run. This event used to be a competitive one plus competitors had to get sponsorship for what ever charity was being sponsored that particular year, now we enter purely for the fun of riding 160+ miles between the hours of Friday midnight and around 9:00am next morning with two compulsory breaks en route and also raise monies for a charity. This year's event started at Andover in Hampshire and finished as usual in Lynmouth on the North Devon coast, the route was about 90% "C" class roads and this year entrants had the added problem of petrol stations having no fuel due to the petrol panic in the UK.


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